Category Archives: Family

Stanford Baby #5!

I am so excited to post these! Celeste is a dear friend of mine from middle school and I’m so glad she trusted us to “try something different”. These water shots are just beautiful to me.

Also, sweet baby #5 is here and her name is Sarah Caroline! Congratulations Celeste & Jason!!

– Genie

Celeste & Jason’s Family

Loved taking pictures of this family! I have known Celeste for quite some time (my wife went to middle school with her) and have taken family photos for her in the past. So, when I was asked to photograph new baby Julia, I was thrilled. Their children are so well behaved and absolutely adorable. Big sister Lilly is quiet and shy with a beautiful smile. Derek is the tree climber and Skylee loves to show her silly faces. It was hard to choose my favorites!